· <E· <E· <E· <E· < 6· <"6· <#E· <$E· <&· <(· <)E· <*E· <.E· <:E· <;E· <?E· <² ⁿ1 · SCHEDULE SE# SOCIAL SECURITY SELF-EMPLOYMENT TAX# 1988 * 18· (Form 1040)# 3OMB No. 1545-0074· # >SSN: {■C1{D■C2· #*P· You MUST use the long Schedule SE (Section B) if any of these apply:· · o You choose the "optional method" to figure self-employment tax;· o You are a minister and are not taxed on minister earnings, but you owe· # self-employment tax on other earnings;· o You are an employer of a church or organization that chose by law not to· # pay employer social security taxes;· o You have tip income subject to social security tax, but you did not report· # those tips to your employer;· o You are a government employee with wages subject ONLY to the 1.45%· # medicare part of the social security tax.· · #-P· SECTION A. Short Schedule SE· # (Read above to see if you must use long Schedule SE)· #-P· · 1. Net farm profit or loss#.&1. {E· 2. Net non-farm profit or loss#."2. {E· · #-P· · 3. Add lines 1 and 2. If less than $400, do not file Sch SE#.3. {E· · 4. The largest amount subject to social security tax#.4. 45,000.· · 5. Total social security wages and tips from Forms W-2 and· railroad retirement compensations (tier 1)#.5. {E· · 6. Subtract line 5 from line 4#."6. {E· · 7. Enter the smaller of line 3 or line 6#.7. {E· If line 7 is $45,000, enter $5,859 on line 8. Otherwise,· multiply line 7 by .1302 and enter the result on line 8.# x .1302· · 8. Self-employment tax. Enter on Form 1040, line 48#.8. {E· · #*P· AM Software H838# For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see instructions· ² SCHEDULE SE (Form 1040) 1988# Attachment Sequence No. 18# Page 2· #*P· # >SSN: {■C1{D■C2· #*P· SECTION B. Long Schedule SE· #-P· A. If your only self-employment income was from earnings as a minister or other· religious and you filed Form 4361, write "Exempt-Form 4361" on 1040,line 48.· However, if you have $400 or more of other earnings subject to self-· employment tax, continue with Part I and check here#. [ ] {N · · B. If your only earnings subject to self-employment tax are wages from a church· or other organization exempt from filing employer social security taxes and· you are not a minister, skip lines 1-3c and go to line 5a.· #-P· PART I - Figure Social Security Self-Employment Tax· #-P· 1. Net farm profit or loss#.&1. {E
· 2. Net non-farm profit or loss#."2. {E· 3a Enter amount from line 1 or Part II, line 10#.3a. {E· b Enter amount from line 2 or Part II, line 12#.3b. {E· c Add lines 3a and 3b. If under $400, do not file Sch SE· unless you are an employee of an electing church#.3c. {E· 4. The largest amount subject to social security tax#.4. 45,000.· 5a Total social security wages and tips· and railroad retirement compensation#.5a. {7· b Unreported tips subject to social security· tax or to RRTA tax#.5b. {7· c Add lines 5a and 5b#.)5c. {E· 6a Subtract line 5c from line 4 (If less than zero, zero)#.6a. {E· b Medicare qualified government wages from· worksheet in the instructions#.6b. {7· c W-2 wages of $100 or more from an electing· church or other organization#.6c. {7· d Add lines 3c and 6c#.)6d. {E· 7. Enter the smaller of line 6a or line 6d#.7. {E· If line 7 is $45,000, enter $5,859 on line 8. Otherwise,· multiply line 7 by .1302 and enter the result on line 8.# x .1302· 8. Self-employment tax. Enter on Form 1040, line 48#.8. {E· #-P· PART II - Optional Method to Figure Net Earnings (see instructions)· #-P· 9. Maximum income for optional methods#.9. 1,600.· 10. Farm optional income#.(10. {E· 11. Subtract line 10 from line 9#. 11. {E· 12. Non-farm optional income#.$12. {E· #*P· AM Software H838# For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see instructions· ²